Tuesday, April 16, 2013

For Boston

I worked from home today because of the weather. And because I wanted to run. I wanted to run for Boston. My sister and I were (are) registered for four 5K races in the Boulder res Dash & Dine series. Last week was postponed because of the snow that never came. So, that took away the one rain delay date. This week, it's very snowy and supposed to snow more this evening but the race is going on. I'm sure some of it has to do with yesterday's events as well. I'm sure people just feel the need to run. I know I did. But, my sister and I decided we didn't want to make the drive if the weather was bad but would get some miles in on our own. I decided that the treadmill wasn't going to cut it. I felt the need to be outside, breathe the cold air and not have anything to distract me like a television or music at the Y. So, I ran at Van Bibber.

It was overcast and cold enough for me to see my breath but not too cold to breathe. I had on enough layers not to be distracted by the temperature.
I felt good considering I haven't been running much at all these days. I started out at a comfortably slow pace. There were only a couple of other people out walking their dogs. I could meditate a bit on why I was there and what I wanted to do. As I thought about it it occurred to me that I should run a significant number of miles. In CrossFit we often do hero WODs that have reps or rounds or a time that is a number of significance. I thought I would do 3 miles for the 3 people who died yesterday. But, I didn't want the run to only be about dying. So, I decided I would run 3.262 miles. The .262 would represent the marathon distance.

As it turns out, my Garmin only goes to two decimal places so I ended up going 3.27 miles instead. That kind of bummed me out a bit. But then, I looked at my stats. It also recorded the time I began the run. It was 3:26.
I may never run a full marathon. But, I think I know that triumphant feeling. I felt it crossing the finish line of my first half marathon. Joy, triumph, invincibility. I have felt it at all of the half marathons since that one, even the Platte when I was in so much pain. For me it's the "I-can't-believe-I-just-did-that!" feeling. Yesterday, so many runners were robbed of that feeling, that opportunity to finish strong. I hope they get that back. I don't want the bad guys to win. So, I will keep running.

Peace and Love everyone. Don't let them win.

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