Ahhh... vacation... It was awesome! Spent some quality time with the hubby. Visited with my dad in Houston and celebrated with my mom in New Orleans. Yay!
And now, to the task at hand...
I had my second visit with the ortho doc. She is great. I'm so glad I lucked out and picked the sports medicine doctor. She thinks it's probably patellar tendinitis. She couldn't find anything structurally wrong and nothing hurt when she manipulated and pushed on my knee. She's recommended PT to strengthen the smaller core muscles to help keep the knee from working harder than it has to. She also prescribed ice for 2 weeks not just after a workout. And suggested really easing back into the training so I don't over tax things or make things worse. All of that is what I was expecting her to say and was the best case scenario really. Based on all of what we talked about, it sort of fits into what I was thinking. I'm not training properly.
Since stopping boot camp however long ago it was that my fabulous trainer moved away, I have been responsible for my own cross training. That never goes as well as when I have a good trainer, even though I know all the routines and what I should be doing and how hard I should be working. I just don't do as well on my own. So, I lost some of that core running strength I'd built up with her. Then, I lost my consistent running partners to their other activities. So, even my running was inconsistent. Things started to hurt just enough when I joined the ARC, just enough to make me slow down and feel bad about it. So, that led to the injury.
It's a new season now though. The ARC starts their summer training session this Sunday. I plan to be there running as a beginner and training for my next half marathon. For the first time, I am actually training for the same race that the rest of the club is training for. So, I don't have to make anything up. I just have to show up. And, one of my original boot camp buddies has been working out at the Y near work and she likens it to the good ol' days. I'm going to go to those sessions with her as often as I can.
Life is still pretty busy with work and stuff but if I want to be better, faster, and stronger, I just have to focus on the work and get it done. It's go time. And it's my time. I'm excited to get going again. :-)
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