Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Things that are better...

A friend asked how I am feeling now that I've been eating better and losing weight. How has it affected my workouts? The question made me think about how I have been approaching all of this fitness stuff. One thing I've decided, in addition to eating right, is to have a more positive outlook on the workouts.

As I've gotten stronger, my tendency has been to focus more on the things that are still difficult, things I need to work on. I've decided to change that around and look at all the progress I've made and to approach the still difficult tasks in a more positive manner. I'm taking this cue from my granddaughter. Lately, when we want her to do something that we think she doesn't want to do, we append it with some enthusiasm. For example, when it's time to get ready for bed her mom says let's get in pajamas. Then one of us will say, "Pajamas! Yay!!!" with some clapping. It doesn't always work but sometimes it does. So, instead of saying, "Ugh, burpees." when I see them in the workout, I'll instead say, to myself, "Burpees! Yay!!!" Even if I struggle through them, at least it reminds me of my granddaughter and that always makes me smile.

Here are some things that are better since the food challenge.
1. Saying no to chocolate and other sweets is a little easier. Or maybe stopping after a small piece is easier. I don't have to eat an entire Chocolove bar in one sitting. One small square usually satisfies.
2. Body weight exercises are easier when you have less body weight and are stronger. Duh! I can now do a strict pullup. Getting up and down for a burpee is easier as well. As are pushups.
3. Reading food labels. It's necessary. Know what the ingredients are and know what the sugar content is. Doesn't mean you won't eat it but at least you know.
4. Running. I'm already faster! I PR'd on my first 5K of the year! In cold and snowy conditions. Crazy!

Resolute Runner - 5K PR!

5. My ability to concentrate at work has improved. I sit up straighter at my desk too.
6. My boobs are smaller! What?! Thank you paleo diet!!
7. My shirts fit better. That's a combination of the boobs and my waist being smaller.
8. I think my hair is growing faster.  Maybe I'll try growing it out again.
9. I spend less money on beer. (That's good, right?)
10. Food tastes better.

I hope to always remember that this is a luxury that lots and lots of folks don't have. I have enough income and time to spend this time doing CrossFit and buying whole food. It's a privilege not many have. The same is true for my good health. I hope I never lose sight of that.

My goal for the food challenge was to lose 9 lbs of body fat in an effort to reach a healthier body fat percentage. This morning, when I got on the scale, I've lost an additional 7 lbs beyond that goal. Wow!

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