Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Wow. What a crazy and weird time we are living through.

Before all of this came to light, I'd been struggling to manage neck pain that turned out to be severe arthritis and bone spurs. Went through PT, started chiropractor, ice/heat, OTC pain meds, and nothing worked. PT and chiro sometimes made it flare up more. Sitting at my desk was the worst. So, after seeing a specialist and talking it through with my primary care doc, who I really like and trust, I had a cervical ablation, radio-frequency rhizotomy, which is basically burning the nerves to alleviate the pain. I had it done this past Friday, the 13th. I do feel relief from the arthritic pain but I'm also still recovering from the soreness from the procedure. Feeling pretty good overall.

Because of this pain, I haven't been working out. I last lifted at the meet back in September. I really didn't think I'd be away this long. The plan had been to have the procedure sooner but changes in my insurance made me start that process all over again. So, that sucked and was super frustrating.

My coach really didn't want me to stop. I didn't either but felt I needed to. At some point though, our schedules weren't aligned. He needed to coach in the morning which was when he used to coach me. I'd planned to ask him about remote coaching after my procedure... But then the pandemic happened. Now the gym is closed and he is remote coaching all clients. I'm not sure I'm in a position to ask for personal training sessions right now. That's ok. I have physical therapy to manage already.

I'm back on my treadmill for now. Walking two 15 minute sessions a day is the plan. I'd really like to run again. I'd really like to lift again. I'd like to be fit again.

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