Sunday, January 19, 2014

Shoulder Update

I did manage to make it worse before it got better. And that prompted me to make two appointments. I'll be going to ortho at Kaiser to get some pictures of it on Wednesday. Last Thursday I went to my PT guy. He's prescribed 10 days of rest, meaning no above the shoulder movements. I can still do other things but nothing overhead. I can live with that. And I needed him to tell me to stay off of it. He's also given me three specific exercises to do. I'm trying very hard to do them all consistently. I need to make sure I do my best to make way for a stronger better me. So many improvements this past year. I'm quite bummed about this set back. Quite bummed indeed.

I need to stop focusing on all the things I'm missing out on doing and focus on all the things I can still do. And then make sure I do them well. So, I won't write about how I had to modify the WOD that had weighted pull-ups and toes on a box push-ups. Instead, I'll write about how I was able today to get 75 double unders in two minutes. (I'd missed that one too but did it on my own instead.) Weighted squats are really kick ass, by the way.

Today I ran 3 miles. The half marathon training officially began last weekend but I missed the run because of my shoulder. I walked on the treadmill instead. It was good to be out again this morning.

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